T101-Technical & Diving Ops
Dive Training Center

Pentru informatii DAN Europe - COVID-19 - pe blog
Confidentialitatea si Securitatea datelor:

Limba Romana (English - below):
SC Omnismares SRL (detinatoarea centrului de scufundari T101-Technical & Diving Ops) respecta confidentialitatea datelor dvs. cu caracter personal in conformitate cu Regulamentul General Privind Protectia Datelor cu Caracter Personal 2016/679. Prezenta notificare descrie modul in care procesam datele cu caracter personal ale candidatilor, tipurile de informatii pe care le colectam, scopurile si temeiul legal in care le utilizam, cu cine partajam aceste informatii, precum si optiunile dvs. in ceea ce priveste modalitatea in care utilizam datele cu caracter personal ale candidatilor. Descriem, de asemenea, masurile pe care le luam pentru a proteja securitatea datelor cu caracter personal ale candidatilor si modul in care ne puteti contacta cu privire la practicile noastre privind protectia datelor cu caracter personal.
Datele colectate pot fi:
Date de contact precum numele, adresa, codul postal, numarul de telefon/mobil, adresa de e-mail;
Date privind activitatea si nivelul de pregatire in scuba diving (certificate, diplome etc);
Informatii privind contul financiar (pentru o posibila rambursare);
Informații colectate in timpul testarilor, evaluarilor si interviurilor, inclusiv telefonice, legate de sustinerea cursurilor sau de marketing;
Informatii disponibile in mod public;
Informatii medicale necesare pentru urmarea cursurilor si in activitatile de scuba diving;
Orice date cu caracter personal care trebuie colectate potrivit legii.
Este posibil ca SC Omnismares SRL sa impartasesca datele dvs personale cu terti, autoritati ale statului dar si in scopul certificarii dvs ca si cursanti. Compania solicita tertilor niveluri de protectia a datelor in conformitate cu GDPR 2016/679.
Putem folosi informatiile pentru a ne imbunatatii produsele si serviciile.
Putem folosi informatiile foto si video colectate in timpul cursurilor si activitatilor subacvatice pentru reclama si promovare (inclusiv in media si retelele sociale).
Putem trimite periodic e-mailuri promotionale despre produse noi, oferte speciale sau alte informatii despre care credem ca s-ar putea gasi interesante folosind adresa de e-mail pe care ati furnizat-o.
Din cand in cand, putem sa va folosim informatiile pentru a va contacta in scopuri de cercetare de piata. Putem sa va contactam prin e-mail, telefon, fax sau posta. Putem folosi informatiile pentru a personaliza site-ul in functie de interesele dvs.
Ne angajam ca informatiile dvs. sa fie in siguranta. Pentru a preveni accesul sau dezvaluirea neautorizata, am pus in practica proceduri fizice, electronice si manageriale adecvate pentru protejarea si asigurarea informatiilor pe care le colectam online.
Controlarea informatiilor dvs. personale
Puteti alege sa stergeti, pseudonimizati, restrictionati colectarea sau utilizarea informatiilor personale prin trimiterea unui e-mail la info [ at ] omnismares.com sau info [ at ] t101.ro si vom respecta cerintele dvs. in limitele prevederilor legale.
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English language:
SC Omnismares SRL (the owner of the T101-Technical & Diving Ops diving center) respects the confidentiality of your personal data in accordance with the General Personal Data Protection Regulations 2016/679. This notice describes how we process the personal data of the candidates, the types of information we collect, the purposes and legal basis in which we use them, with whom we share this information, and your options as to how we use the personal data of the candidates. We also describe the steps we take to protect the security of the personal data of candidates and how you can contact us about our privacy practices.
The data collected can be:
Contact details such as name, address, postal code, phone / mobile phonenumber, e-mail address;
Activity and level of training in scuba diving (certificates, diplomas, etc.);
Financial account information (for possible reimbursement)
Information collected during tests, assessments and interviews, including telephone conversations, course support or marketing;
Publicly available information;
Medical information needed to attend courses and in scuba diving;
Anypersonal data that must be collected according to the law.
It is possible for SC Omnismares SRL to share your personal data with third parties, state authorities, and for the purpose of your certification as learners. The company requests third-party data protection levels in accordance with GDPR 2016/679.
We can use the information to improve our products and services.
We can use photo and video information collected during courses and underwater activities for advertising and promotion in media and social networks.
We may periodically send promotional emails about new products, special offers, or other information that we think might be interesting by using the email address you provided.
From time to time, we can use your information to contact you for market research purposes. We can contact you by email, telephone, fax or post. We can use the information to personalize the site according to your interests.
We are committed to ensuring your information is safe. To prevent unauthorized access or disclosure, we have put in place appropriate physical, electronic and managerial procedures to protect and secure the information we collect online.
Control your personal information
You may choose to delete, pseudonymize, restrict the collection or use of personal information by sending an email to info [at] omnismares.com or info [at] t101.ro and will respect your requirements within the limits of the legal provisions.
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