T101-Technical & Diving Ops®

T101-Technical & Diving Ops

Dive Training Center

email & telefon T101®

Mergi direct la cursuri:

ANDI Romania
SDI Romania
TDI Romania
FRTI Romania
DAN Europe training Romania
DDI Romania
DIRrebreather Romania
the Human Diver

Cursuri scafandri TDI:

TDI divers trained here


Cursuri disponibile:

Intro to Tech

Basic Nitrox

Advanced Nitrox

Decompression Procedures (-45m depth)

Extended Range (-55m depth)

Trimix (min 18% O2, -60m depth)

Advanced Wreck (-55m depth, advanced penetration)

Rebreather JJ-CCR Air Diluent (-30m depth, NSR, no overhead)

Reberather JJ-CCR Air Diluent Deco (-40m depth, NSR, no overhead)

Nitrox Blender

Advanced Blender

O2 Service Technician

EUF diving
RESA - Rebreather Education and Safety Association