For any diving technical training done together, you’ll get a free “Human Factors Skills in Diving – Micro-class“, compulsory to be completed before ending the theory and practical skills.
As of October 2018, rebreather training for the best 4×4 machine on the market –JJ-CCR – will be available in Romania, SE Europe or on board superyachts on request.
Discover Rebreather – if you would like to see what is like to dive into the “dark zone”.
Refresh Rebreather – if you have some time out of the water & machine and you would like to remove the “rust” under safe environment.
ANDI JJ-CCR L1 – the very first level recreational level, -18m depth MSW, air diluent, NSR.
ANDI JJ-CCR L2– the recreational level, -40m depth MSW, air diluent, NSR.
For hard-core divers, we offer DIRrebreatherFundamentals CCR & Support Diver OC/CCR training
For information, prerequisites and planning, please contact me via email or mobile or even better, if you a nearby, pass by for a face 2 face chat and introduction to the “beast” – the JJ-CCR unit.
Recent, pe blogul PADI Pros Europe, a aparut o notificare (o reamintire de fapt) a unor modificari in standardul “European Standard EN250” dintre care, cel mai important (in opinia mea) se refera la:
“An octopus rig is not a preferred option if the depth is greater than 30m or the water temperature is less than 10°C, instead an alternative fully independent system is advised.”
daca adancimea este peste -30m sau temperatura apei este sub +10degC atunci in locul octopusului este necesara o sursa complet independenta de gaz.
Cu toate ca pare a fi o abordare noua care va trebuii implementata de catre toti producatorii de echipamente si implicit va duce la modificari in standardele agentiilor recreationale… totusi ideea nu este noua deloc.
Complementar, in anul 2005, UK Health and Safety Executive (HSE) emitea aceasta afirmatie: “It was shown that SCUBA single demand valve systems capable of meeting the breathing performance requirements of BS EN 250, cannot be relied upon to meet the same requirements when used as part of an ‘Octopus’ system”. Raportul RR341 se poate citi aici si aici.
Este adevarat, tehnologia construirii regulatoarelor (prima etapa in special) a avansat mult dar raman alti factori ce recomanda si impun necesitatea folosirii unui RBS in toate tipurile de scufundari (recreationale si tehnice).
ANDI recomanda urmatoarele configuratii (minime) de RBS in functie de adancime:
– 20 mtr = 2 Lt
– 30 mtr= 3Ltr
– 40 mtr= 4.5 Ltr
*presiunea de incarcare a cilindrilor RBS: 200bar
De asemenea, alte recomandari sunt valabile, dar detaliarea lor face parte din cursurile ANDI corespunzatoare.
Pentru informatii suplimentare referitoare la cursurile ANDI, nu ezitati sa ma contactati.