Adventures & Expeditions Scuba & Training

SCUBA – Intro to Tech… fad or necessity

Sport (recreational) SCUBA diving is one of the activities which gives us a very wide selection of paths to follow after the initial Open Water Diver level certification.

We can choose to stay inside of recreational (-40m depth max, no deco) limits, we can extend even here with enriched air nitrox or sidemount, underwater photography, or full face mask. Or, fortunately, we can move further.

And there is a long and exciting path of adventures and explorations, leading to great personal & social achievements, to self-enrichments & progress: Technical Diving

To dive deep open water reefs, explore outside & inside unknown wrecks, visit stunning caves or mysterious mines… in Open Circuit or Closed Circuit Rebreathers, with DPVs and extensive deco plannings, the options are almost endless.

But for everything, there is a start.

Intro to Tech – is compiling the basics of technical diving, is the building of fundamentals for a good future to be a technical diver.

From the basic but well-selected diving gear, finning techniques, trim & buoyancy, diver skills etc, the Technical Diving Instructor is there to show you the proper way of your 1st stepping into the Tek World.

Of course, there are divers which are preferring to “discover” by themselves the above-mentioned steps.

Or others who are directly entering the technical diving courses, under professional guidance & training.

For those divers short-cutting on their own (nothing against the self-study or autodidact process!), there is a list of great disadvantages:

  • not purchasing the right gear adapted for your diving target. There is NO universal diving gear set-up configuration, good for everything and everywhere! You might purchase brand new diving gear, you are super proud of it… it is totally useless in technical diving.
  • understanding the theory, with gaps or misinterpretations. Reading here and there, sometimes from not very trustfully sources, without proper real-life application, can lead to unpleasant situations.
  • underwater skills & gear set-up – is crucial! A bad diving behavior is hard to be removed and replaced with good ones. Even good skills are available in various forms in order to achieve the final target, depending on many factors (diving profile, diving gear, diving team etc).
  • assessment, attitude & approach: technical diving is as beautiful, attractive & captivating as Pandora’s box. But everything must be done in the right way. Is like building a pyramid, from (a solid) bottom to (a durable and long-life) top.
  • all the above, in conjuncture with Mr. Murphy… can lead to unwanted situations, even tragic ones.
  • and yes… nobody (Dive Center or Professional) will dive with you unless you show your proper certification (which should demonstrate that you pass the minimum agency requirements). Or even not renting technical diving gear!

And to conclude… yes, I strongly recommend to every sports diver to do at least an “Intro to Tech” level. To better understand the differences and benefits of good diving gear vs any diving gear, to enhance safety as a diver and as a team, and to improve in-water skills and diving protocols. For diver’s own good, for environmental’s good.

Stay safe and dive safe!


ANDI Instructor Trainer #170

SDI-TDIFRTI Instructor #15172

Scuba & Training

RO-TecRec SCUBA Diving chit-chat v.1.0



Pentru sezonul 2015 propun organizarea unuei mici manifestari (forum, dive show, conferinta, masa rotunda etc) pe tema scufundarilor in Romania: potentialul intern (locurile de scufundari cunoscute sau in explorare), promovarea Romaniei pe harta scuba a lumii, viitorul scufundarilor de agrement in tara noastra prin prisma centrelor, asociatiilor sau instructorilor independenti etc.

Vor fi abordate subiectele din zona scufundarilor recreationale, tehnice (scufundari de adancime, la epave, in pesteri, cu rebreathere etc) precum si din zona primului ajutor in scuba diving.

Centrele de scufundari din tara sunt binevenite sa-si prezinte obiectele de activitate(cursuri, excursii, vanzari de echipamente etc). Sper sa putem avea si invitati din afara tarii. Locatia si data exacta vor fi stabilite ulterior. Sponsorii interesati in promovarea produselor sunt de asemenea bineveniti.

Opinii si sugestii sunt asteptate pe adresa de email: info[at]


TecRec Show Dive in Rom