General Scuba & Training

Fitness for SCUBA Diving

Diving is an activity with a high level of physical & mental stress. Sport (recreational) is stressful, technical diving is even more! That’s why we need to be in an appropriate status all the time in order to enjoy diving in a safe manner, return to our family and friends and plan further adventurous activities and explorations trips.

Signing the 2020 medical screening self-declaration form is a good practice but does not really protect you as a diver but the professional (Dive Center, Instructor, or Divemaster).

Depending on the country and local legislation, the validity of your medical form can be of 1 or 2 years. Anyway, keep in mind that, as with any medical check, your medical fitness level is certified as “good” at that present moment and it may alternate in the future. Therefore, is your responsibility to stay up to date physically & mentally by regularly practicing exercises and following an adequate diet.

As I always say, SCUBA diving insurance is highly recommended but does not make miracles, and maintaining a good fitness level IS in your hands only. Knowing first response procedures is very useful but again, a good fitness level will be always a bonus for the provider (and especially, from Rescue Diver level up).

Consult with your physician and keep him updated with your medical status in order to get best medical advises and treatments.

Maintaining a good physical & mental level is at the end, a moral obligation. Is for you (and your family and friends) and is for your diving team or dive buddy. If you are in troubles in-water/underwater due to your poor medical fitness, you will affect the entire dive team and even the entire dive operation.

Performing a medical check (diving and non-diving related) is not just for the signed paper. Being proactive, you may discover in advance some hidden or not-yet developed medical issues and you may have a good time in advance to correct and even improve the situation!

Diving is fun but is in our hands to make it, and fitness level is one of the cards from the overall puzzle (ANDI’s ATKEE principles).

T101-Technical & Diving Ops® provides customized fitness training & nutritional coaching thru its dedicated DeepFit® concept.

Adventures & Expeditions Scuba & Training

SCUBA & Travel Diving Insurance – a must for all

Why & when?

SCUBA diving activity is often classified as an “extreme” sport for most of the regular insurers. And mentioned with very small size characters, under some obscure clauses and conditions on the bottom of your contract.

HBOT services are totally “alien” terminology, helicopter evacuations are nightmares and everything which means money “out” from their accounts is avoided as much as possible.

Dedicated and qualified (medical & diving) support? No way!

Which makes overall regular insurance quite unreliable.

But luckily for us, there are some good insurance players on the SCUBA diving market, focused on quality and fair services.

(click on the logo and follow the registration or renewal steps)

Divers Alert Network: is a global player, with regional offices covering America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Japan & South Africa.

DAN is offering services from dive training and research into diving medicine to specialized diving & traveling insurances, ranging from Sport, Professional & Club to Family, each one with Bronze, Silver & Gold options.

Medical & HBO treatments, hospitalization, evacuation and repatriation, equipment lost, disability & death, legal expenses & travel assistance, and more, are covered.

As DAN Europe Partner, T101® is offering support in selecting the best option for your needs, at no extra cost as well as First Response training under well-recognized DAN Europe standards.

DAN Europe insurance is recommended by PADI.

DiveAssure, is another global solid insurance player, recommended by SDI/TDI/ERDI & SSI.

Is offering:

  • For US residents only: Diving & Non-Diving related Insurance (Gold & Platinum), for a Single-Trip (Standard, Deluxe, Elite) and Multi-Trip (Deluxe);
  • Europe & the rest of the World: Long term or short term Personal Diving Accident Plan (“DiveSafe“) as well as Dive Travel coverage (“Dive&Travel“) to any destination worldwide available for any number of days (up to 180 consecutive days) or a full year. They offer a Liveaboard coverage, including hyperbaric treatments and also trip (Dive&Travel and Dive&Travel Plus) cancellation, trip interruption, missed connection, lost baggage and much more. And COVID19 related issues! And Medical advises too!

 DiveAssure is collaborating with The Duke Center for Hyperbaric Medicine and Environmental Physiology.

As an authorized dealer, T101® is assisting you in choosing your best insurance (DAN Europe or DiveAssure) option for you, at no extra cost for your final purchase (What You See Is What You Get).


  • The yearly cost for a SCUBA diving insurance it can be considered peanuts if you divide the insurance price per 365 days/year. One week-end evening outside (bar or restaurant) and you may spent even more than an annual scuba diving insurance!
  • A helicopter evacuation in some remote areas can easily go up to USD20K! (seen at first hand!).
  • HBOT sessions only can go easily anywhere between 400-600euros/session (Again, I seen at first hand).
  • In order to keep your insurance valid, know your Liability Coverage & dive within your certification limits!!!

There are many other global and local players in the diving industry market. Analyze and compare carefully and choose one which you think might fit best for you, but never ever dive without a valid one.

Even if holding the most expensive insurance, it is strongly & highly recommended to always follow the best practices in diving and to adhere to DAN Europe recommendations & safety rules and/or local/national safety recommendations & regulations.

Safety First, Safety Always.

Stay safe!


Adventures & Expeditions General

DAN Europe & Covid19

Due to the in-progress medical World Wide situation with SARS-CoV2, we highly recommend you to follow your National Medical & Emergency Agencies recommendations as well as DAN Europe’s:

COVID-19 : Prevention Recommendations for our Diving Community

COVID-19 and DAN Europe Membership, Assistance & Insurance

A New Health Declaration Form Sample Addressing C-19 Issues

COVID-19 Emergency

Guide to DAN Europe Training Courses Management | COVID-19_EN

Dive Operations and COVID-19: Prepping for Return

Divers Alert Network – Coronavirus – faq

A new medical screening form, approved by most of the World diving agencies is in place as of now:

*for other languages (26 in total), follow the below link:

Recreational Diving Medical Screening System

For DAN Europe diving insurance (Sport, Professional, Family etc), please follow the below link:

As #COVID19 is a very dynamic topic, please stay up-to-date with the latest information from authorized sources. Stay away from the fake news!

Risk Assessment for SCUBA Divers

applies in #covid19 activities related too.

Corona tracking sources: Johns Hopkins University & Medicine ; Worldmeters Info ; Corona Tracker

Diving After Your #COVID19 #Vaccination: Guidelines by DAN Europe

Dive safe & dive strong!



Last updated: July 2021

General Scuba & Training YachtDiver®

First Response – be prepared for the unexpected & unwanted moments

At T101TDO®, we take safety very seriously and training in First Response is one of our strong points. We offer a wide range of First Response / First Aid courses under the highest standards and accreditation of two well-known and reputable agencies:

Divers Alert Network Europe & First Response International

The well-known Divers Alert Network is involved World Wide for over 30 years in diving insurance, research, training & education, being a point of reference in the entire diving industry (sport & commercial, military, etc).

Sport – Professional – Club – Family DAN Europe Insurance

Divers Alert Network Europe: accredited by the US Coast Guard, Italian Coast Guard, Finnish Boarder Guard, Italian Red Cross, Italian Carabinieri, Apnea Academy, VIT Germany, WASD Europe, LIFRAS Belgium, NOAA, Association of Diving Contractors International, Swiss Resuscitation Council, etc

DAN Europe Basic Life Support
DAN Europe Automated External Defibrillator
DAN Europe Hazardous Marine Life Injuries
DAN Europe First Aid
DAN Europe Oxygen Administration

First Response International is part of the big family


which speak by itself about commitment to high-quality standards in training, procedures, safety, and modern educational approach.

First Response International: accredited by

US Coast Guard & OSHA

Workplace CPR/AED
Bloodborne Pathogens
Oxygen Administration
Adult & Child Emergency Care

FRTI Online / eLearning

All courses are ILCOR accredited and are also in conformity with Romanian Law 319 / 2006 .

Extra online support (Zoom/Skype), class theory review, practical hands-on with Demo & Real AED – mannequin – medical & DAN Europe O2 kit, written exams & post-course analyzing & debriefing.

*The First Response courses are compulsory for professional sport SCUBA diving instructors and highly recommended for all divers and non-divers (seamen, athletes, parents, workers, etc).

All certifications are valid for two years after which renewal (refresh course) is required.

These days, knowing basic life support / first aid procedures is not a caprice but a real necessity. From an office to shipyard work, family to outdoor activities, knowing BASIC procedures in providing first aid is extremely important.

T101TDO® is DAN Europe HIRA 2 accredited, both as Operator & Instructor levels.

For inquiries & training, please contact me at:

Stay safe & dive strong!


DAN Europe Instructor #187305

FRTI Instructor #15172