As of October 2018, rebreather training for the best 4×4 machine on the market –JJ-CCR – will be available in Romania, SE Europe or on board superyachts on request.
Discover Rebreather – if you would like to see what is like to dive into the “dark zone”.
Refresh Rebreather – if you have some time out of the water & machine and you would like to remove the “rust” under safe environment.
ANDI JJ-CCR L1 – the very first level recreational level, -18m depth MSW, air diluent, NSR.
ANDI JJ-CCR L2– the recreational level, -40m depth MSW, air diluent, NSR.
For hard-core divers, we offer DIRrebreatherFundamentals CCR & Support Diver OC/CCR training
For information, prerequisites and planning, please contact me via email or mobile or even better, if you a nearby, pass by for a face 2 face chat and introduction to the “beast” – the JJ-CCR unit.