General Scuba & Training

SCUBA diving books to “kill” COVID-19 downtime.

T101 – Technical & Diving Ops® Dive Training Center

Now that the #COVID19 is shutting down the entire diving Planet, here are a list of few books recommended to extend your theoretical knowledge:

Staying Alive by Steve Lewis

The Six Skills and Other Discussions: Creative Solutions for Technical Divers by Steve Lewis

Advanced Wreck Diving Handbook By Gary Gentile

Under pressure – Diving deeper with Human Factors by Gareth Lock

For any diving technical training done together, you’ll get a free “Human Factors Skills in Diving – Micro-class“, compulsory to be completed before ending the theory and practical skills.

Deep Into Deco by Asser Salama

Ocean Gladiator by Mark Ellyatt

Death in number two shaft by Steve Lewis

A compiling of various scuba diving materials can be found here:

T101 Vault Library.

Other internet sources: Blue PO2 Diving (scuba & technical), PADI Blog, Good Reads, Dipndive etc.