Adventures & Expeditions

Sjuru – Asmat (Indonesia, West Papua)

A fabulous expedition into the asmat people territories. Ex-headhunters (until 1950’s), they showed us some of their tradition regarding the canoe ceremony.

As part of the Zegrahm Expeditions Staff, I had the opportunity to record and edit this video in HD. Enjoyable viewing!

March 21, 2013.



Scuba & Training


In editia Mai 2013 a FitDiver newsletter.



Scuba & Training

Raja Ampat (near Kri Island), Indonesia – scuba diving.

Raja Ampat (near Kri Island), Indonesia – March 15, 2013

A superb dive with lots of fish and corals.

Max. depth: -20mtrs, water temperature: +29degC.

With Zegrahm Expeditions (as Staff – Divemaster) on bord expedition cruise ship Clipper Odyssey.

Adventures & Expeditions

Ambrym Island, Vanuatu

A local band playing few songs on board mv Clipper Odyssey.

April 08, 2013.



Scuba & Training

Aiduma Island, West Papua

March 19, 2013 – a fabulous scuba diving experience at Aiduma Island, West Papua.

The words are not enough to describe the underwater beauty.

Enjoy the 8 minutes video of underwater freedom!


Video taken during the “Best of Indonesia II – Manado to Port Moresby” cruise, 11th to 26th of March, 2013.

Adventures & Expeditions

Honiara – Solomon Islands: bamboo pipe songs & dances

A local group performing traditional bamboo pipe songs & dances on the dockside next to the expedition cruise ship Clipper Odyssey during our visit in Honiara.

Scuba & Training

DiveAssure – asigurari multiple pentru scafandri.


Asigurare medicala pentru scafandri (pentru 7 zile, 14 zile, 1 an, 2 ani etc)

Asigurare de calatorie pentru scafandri,

Asigurari de multi-calatorii anuale,


DiveAssure este partener Duke Center for Hyperbaric Medicine and Environmental Physiology.



Scuba & Training

Asigurare scafandri – Aqua-Med Germany

Un nou serviciu de asigurare a scafandrilor este disponibil pe piata romaneasca:


Aqua-Med Germany


07 GB dive card Flyer


Pentru informatii suplimentare, nu ezitati sa ma contactati via email.


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Scuba & Training

Program de recompensare 2013!

Pentru fiecare 10 euro cheltuiti pe un curs de scuba (Rec, Tec sau prim ajutor), primesti 1 punct care valoreaza 0.5euro. Poti acumula puncte si obtine reducere din urmatorul curs (sau cursuri).

Oferta este valabila de pe data de 01 Ianuarie 2013 pana pe data de 31 Decembrie 2013.

Ape linistite!

Reward point program 2013 - OmnisMares-T101

Scuba & Training

Pe ce criterii alegeti un curs scuba? (Sondaj – Poll).

Salutare salutare!

Un nou sondaj de opinie este disponibil (in partea dreapta a paginii, sub slideshow) si se adreseaza atat scafandrilor certificati cat si viitorilor scufundaci.

Intrebarea se refera la criteriile pe care le luati in considerare atunci cand vreti sa urmati un curs scuba (Rec sau Tec). Puteti alege maxmim 3 variante de raspuns. Votul este deschis pana pe data de 31 Mai 2013.

Va multumesc.

Ape linistite!