SCUBA gear - review

ScubaForce PowerLight 1 – the mini for maxi underwater exploration

PowerLight 1 is a high-end underwater diving light, based Cree high-intensity XP-L HI LED chip.

Over the past years, diving lights technology improved a lot. From bulky canisters with limited energy storage and incandescent bulbs to small size, ultra-portable, hours of running time, and impressively bright and efficient LEDs… we live a technological revolution.

I am not a big super-fan of canisters & floating cords. For certain dives and activities – works.

I am an explorer wreck diver. Therefore, the KISS principle should apply at all times.

For my diving activities (wreck diving), I’ll rather take something small but efficient. I keep the front chest clear, I have enough power and run time, and I can use my left hand (holding the light) to do whatever I need to do with stages, bailout, CCR cylinders, etc.

The tested light comes from Scubaforce – a german manufacturer, focused mostly on technical diving equipment (rebreathers – backmount & sidemount, dry suits, wings & sidemount, regs, and more).

ScubaForce PowerLight 1

Its name: PowerLight 1

With 3 levels of power 20%-50%-100% out of 1200lumens (at 6000K – 6500K), you can use it easily outside an overhead environment, for signaling, as well as for darkest places deep inside a wreck. If the backscattering is disturbing you at full 1200lumens, you can reduce it to 240lumens from just an easy-to-operate back button.


  • 90 – 120min (battery type 18650)
  • 180 – 240min (battery type 26650)

4 hours… should be more than enough for the vast majority of our dives. In case of extensive explorations, you may have easily taken another one as a backup in your pocket (… you should have at least one backup light in any case at any given time).

Maximum depth? IPX8 200m/600ft. Unless you are planning to break some World Records… should work in almost any situation.

It comes with a soft handle. Good for tropical gloves. Or you can easily attach the light to any goodman handle.

It comes with nice packing and everything you need to run it right away (soft handle, battery, charger with USB cable, etc).

Overall, ScubaForce PowerLight 1 is a good & solid option, from sport to technical diving. You will like it 🙂

Dive strong, and stay safe!


ANDI Technical Instructor Trainer

TDI Technical Instructor (Trimix, Advanced Wreck, Gas Blender, etc) |

SCUBA gear - review

Garmin Mk2i… a weak beast.

Garmin is no doubt about it, one of the best (sports watch) brands in the World. They cover a wide range of products, from marine to aviation professional equipment, from “terrestrial” sports to scuba diving.

Being the owner of a few “terrestrial” watches (Forerunner 945, Fenix 6 Saphire), I decided a few months ago to move further and purchase their latest beast, Mk2i.

I did not choose “i” version for the Air Integration function (I am not a big fan of this system in general) but for the blue color of the buttons. I know… weird, right? 🙂

As a sports watch, it covers almost everything a user can dream and do. Same as 6 & 7 versions. The extra functions are related to SCUBA diving. Single Gas (Sport OC), Multi-Gases OC (Technical), CCR, Apnea… lots of functions and alarms, Gradient Factor flexibility in settings. Not bad at all. Usable as a sports & office watch (with super fast replaceable QuickFit bands), it sounds like a good option overall when you have to look into the vast options of diving computers.

So, I did a couple of good dives, in CCR mode. Fully geared, with my 2 beasts: JJ-CCR & SF2eCCR (with a Shearwater Petrel 2 as the main dive computer controller on my left hand) and a Shearwater Predator (oldies but goodies mo-fo) as a backup computer. Plus an underwater navigational compass, and a self-check mirror. All on my right hand.

This makes me look like I am going to Mars. Or something like that.

Despite the good overall functions, my first impression… is not positive. Not at all! With multiple devices in my hand, the computer’s buttons are easily pressed and self-changing the displayed options.

  • Very unpleasant to find yourself during a CCR dive that your mode was switched to OC. Or the setpoint changed from 0.7 to 1.3 or vice-versa… Had this issue not just a single time but repeatedly! Really bad!

Returning to my main “scuba” display, I found it not easy, sometimes really annoying. Navigating into the diving menu while diving… not so intuitive. Buttons are a bit too small for dry gloves (or thick wet gloves). If your age is requiring some eye aid to see smaller characters… you are in trouble… Though the alarms were responding well and screen visibility quite well (despite my low-intensity setup).

Despite the sapphire crystal glass and Dimond-like Carbon bezel… is getting scratched quite easily on both. If you plan some heavy technical dives, look for some extra protection to extend its beauty.

Overall impression?

As a sports dive computer (Single Gas, Apnea, Gauge)… I will give it a “go”.

As a technical dive computer – so far, “no go”. Still need to test it and find the best option to integrate it into a complex diving configuration. Later update: NO. End of story!

It is expensive (top range of the prices), but mainly due to the sports option. If you are planning to not use it extensively as a sports watch and you buy it just (or mainly) for diving… then you have much better options (in price and operational way). You have dive computers from Cressi, Mares, Aqualung, Scubapro, etc. And of course, Shearwater Research is the top quality option.

Again, look for and understand the algorithm used. Not only the price and fancy functions!

If you want a small size “office style” dive computer but to still integrate it into technical diving, Shearwater Teric.

Be safe, dive safe and have fun!


ANDI Technical Instructor Trainer, TDI Trimix/CCR/Adv. Wreck/Adv. Gas Blending Instructor, DIRrebreather Instructor

SCUBA gear - review

OMS Tattoo (Western) UV

The product of the day:

OMS Tattoo (Western) with UV protection.

Designed with a black soft frame combined with the UltraViolet lens protection, the OMS Tattoo is real efficient in strong sun and light reflection from the sea & sand, making it extremely comfortable to be worn in every condition.

The mask glass is tempered CE which assure the diver that is having a good quality product!

OMS Tattoo

The shape of the glass allows the diver to have an excellent view angle, especially in the lower part of the field. Excellent in case of reading very important information, like the PO2 indicated by your JJ-CCR Head Up Display.

Volume size: medium, easy to be cleared in case of water “flooding”.

The mask fits very well on the face thanks to the two folds and the composition of the material. Even with a beard and mustache, water does not enter very easily, almost not at all!

Head strap is very comfortable and is giving a good adjustment and grip. A mask cover strap can be added to increase the maneuverability, even with one hand operation.

OMS mask cover strap

OMS Tattoo Western UV is available in stock (in two sizes: Asian & Western) and can be tested at our T101® Dive Training Center at any time.


OMS Europe is part of the Ocean Management Systems & DUI group and T101® is official distributor in Romania.

SCUBA gear - review

OMS Ocean Wing Single Bladder 27l/60lbs


Eram in cautarea unui nou BCD – Wing care sa-mi inlocuiasca vechiul Diverite Rec series (de aprox. 20.4l capacitate) si care sa-mi ofere confort, siguranta si flotabilitatea dorita atunci cand eram in configuratie Tec mai complexa (multiple stage-uri). Dupa o cercetare atenta de piata, am ales modelul “Ocean Wing Single Bladder” produs de catre OMS (Ocean Management System).

Este un wing tip “horseshoe”, de constructie robusta (1000 denier nylon) oferind o capacitate de aprox 27kg (60lbs) si care poate satisface fara probleme doleantele oricarui scafandru tehnic ce cauta un produs de inalta calitate (in August 2014, compania OMS a fost achizitionata de catre grupul DUI-BtS).

Harnasamentul ales: “OMS Continuous Wave (DIR)” si backplate de otel.

Dupa cateva usoare testari in apa Marii Negre, proba de foc a fost sesiunea de scufundari tehnice la faimoasa epava “Zenobia” din Cipru:


Ocean Wing-ul s-a comportat excelent, cilindrii de 2x12l + 3 stage-uri de 11l (plus accesoriile suplimentare) neridicand nici o problema de flotabilitate si stabilitate pe parcursul scufundarilor efectuate. Furtunul de inflare-dezinflare este robust si usor accesibil. Pe centrul chingii de fixare, prezinta o serie de 3 orificii (sus si jos) pentru ajustarea confortabila a backplate-ului astfel incat accesul la robinetii cilindrilor sa fie cat mai confortabil si de asemenea trim-ul sa poata fi ajustat cat mai fin. Pe partea stanga jos este montata supapa de suprapresiune. Fermoarul care inchide imbracamintea wing-ului este de constructie solida. Trebuie tinut cont insa ca, datorita capacitatii mari (27l), inflarea wing-ului (la adancime) de la zero (din “negativ”) la “neutru” dureaza cateva secunde.

“Horseshoe”-ul, asa cum se stie, este un wing preferat de catre scafandri tehnici avansati, deoarece echilibrarea gazului in interiorul balonului necesita putina experienta, comunicarea facandu-se numai prin partea superioara a balonului (nu si prin parea inferioara cum este in cazul wing-ului tip “donut”). In acest fel, daca incarcatura de stage-uri “trage” scafandrul pe o parte (de regula stanga, conform amplasarii DIR a stage-urilor), atunci se lasa un volum de gaz putin mai mare in aripa stanga (prin inclinarea pe partea dreapta) si in acest fel, surplusul de gaz compenseaza perfect lestul suplimentar.


OMS-Scubapro-Analox-Shearwater-OrcatorchCuloarea aleasa de mine a fost rosie, dar bineinteles ca modelul se gaseste si pe negru.

Punctajul acordat: 5/5.

In Romania,  toate celelalte echipamente si accesoriile OMS sunt disponibil spre comercializare prin distribuitorul autorizat – “SC OmnisMares SRL“.

SCUBA gear - review

D610+ Orcatorch


Orcatorch” este un brand chinezesc care produce lanterne atat pentru SCUBA Diving cat si pentru activitati outdoor, tactical/militare si de uz general. Putin cunoscuta la noi, dar cu prezenta constanta pe la dive show-rile de profil din Asia si nu numai, Orcatorch prezinta o linie de fabricatie moderna cu echipamente si produse competitive in industria de profil.

Am decis sa testez modelul D610+ ca lumina principala, o lanterna tip canistra . Cu doar 791 de grame in greutate (fara baterii), lanterna este extrem de usoara si practic de montat pe cureaua harness-ului. Ofera 3 nivele de intensitate a luminii (data de un LED model CREE XHP70): 2400lumeni (cu 1h30min de functionare), 800lumeni (cu 6h20min) si 180lumeni (cu 14h40min de functionare). Butonul de pornit/oprit si de schimbare a nivelelor de intensitate este situat pe canistra. Bateriile folosite sunt 26650 – 2 bucati. Distanta de luminare pe uscat: 251m. Adancimea maxima de lucru: -150m. Plus rezistenta la impact in urma caderii de la 1.5m inaltime.D610 SPCSVine la pachet compet, incluzand cele doua baterii, incarcatorul, garnituri, manerul Goodman. Adica “ready to go”.

D610+ Package

D610+ Orcatorch

Testarea a avut loc la epava “Zenobia” din Cipru. “Zenobia” a fost o nava tip RO-RO care se afla scufundata la adancimea maxima: -42m, pe bordul babord. Lungimea epavei 172m. Suport logistic: Dive-in Larnaca.

Lanterna D610+ s-a comportat excelent. Cu 2 unghiuri de acoperire: 8 grade (semnalizare) si 60 grade (video), lanterna a fost de un real folos atat in suplinirea celor doua lumini video folosite (2 x 3600lumens Light4Me) cat si la semnalizari (atat in spatii inchise cat si in afara epavei!) foarte eficiente! Am folosit-o tot timpul la intensitate maxima (2400lumeni) si am obtinut o autonomie impresionanta de peste 3h.

Primele 3 scufundari (din seria de 9) au fost parte restanta din cursul tehnic ANDI Technical Tri-Mix L3 inceput la Marea Neagra, restul de scufundari fiind de explorare a epavei.

Filmarea este facuta de catre Dragos Calistru (cu un GoPro Hero 3+ Black), luminile subacvatice si editarea video imi apartin.

4.4 din 5 stele: cele cateva sutimi in minus se datoreaza faptului ca la iesirea cablului din canistra, protectia este un arc de plastic si nu din otel, ceea ce i-ar fi oferit un plus de rezistenta. Oricum, manevrata cu atentie, conexiunea nu are probleme mecanice.

D610+ cable protection

Cu un raport pret / calitate excelent, lumina principala de scufundari “Ocratorch D610+” este o optiune ce merita luata in considerare atunci cand doriti un produs de calitate, cu performante demne de luat in considerare dar cu un pret decent.

Luminile de scufundari (principale, back-up, video etc) Orcatorch sunt disponibile in Romania prin distribuitorul autorizat OmnisMares SRL pe T101 Shop.


Ape linistite,

Costa / ANDI TMI L5

T101 – Technical & Diving Ops®