Romanian version (english version below):
Pe parcursul a doua intense saptamani (07 – 22 Iunie 2013), impreuna cu Team Blue Immersion – Dahab, am participat la cursul Trimix Master Class – un curs de scafandri tehnici special conceput pentru depasirea adancimilor de -120m.
Cursul a constat in sesiuni de teorie si de practica dupa cum urmeaza:
Sesiuni intense de teorie a gazelor, algoritmilor de decompresie, procedurilor de scufundare, managementul gazelor, lucrul in echipa, END, HPNS, ICD, planificarea scufundarilor cu V-Planner-ul, pregatirea echipamentelor etc.
Sesiuni de antrenamente si mai intense in apa de mica adancime (-10 la -21m) in care s-a lucrat cu configuratia de 2x20l otel (dublele) + 5 x 11l aluminiu ca stage-uri. Configuratia echipamentului a fost conform recomandarilor DIR.
Software-ul folosit pentru calcularea scufundarilor a fost V-Planner cu GFS85.
Au urmat o serie de scufundari in care adancimea a crescut progresiv: -45m, -75m, -110m, -117m, scufundari executate fie in “The Bells” fie in “The Arch – Blue Hole”.
Scufundarea de final la adancimea de -145m a avut loc (Iunie 22, 2013) la locatia cunoscuta sub numele de “The Bells”, la cativa pasi de Blue Hole (Dahab, Egypt). Parteneri de scufundare: Kathrina – o diverita norvegianca extrem de dura si Jonas Samuelsson – conducatorul si creatorul cursului TBI Trimix Master Class. Scafandru de suport la -60m Robert Stepien. Suport la suprafata: Salah Sobih & Mansour.

Sase (6) minute a durat coborarea de la 0 la -145m (mai exact 5 minute si 10 secunde) – incluzand verificarea de la -5m si NOTOX-ul – schimbarea de gaz de la -9m. De ce mentionez asta? Pentru ca, in opinia mea, sunt “cele mai comprimate” (daca pot spune asa) 6 minute pe care le-am avut vreodata in viata! Senzatia este de 6 secunde si nu de 6 minute. Coborarea este absolut spectaculoasa, peretele vertical imens care porneste de la jumatate de metru peste nivelul marii si se opreste undeva in abis iti tai respiratia. Din loc in loc, caverne sau mari crestaturi verticale iti dau senzatia ca esti undeva pe o alta planeta in spatiu. Este un sentiment care nu poate fi exprimat in cuvinte dar care, asa cum am spus, comprima si da o alta notiune timpului!
Undeva intre -80m si -90m, pe o mica panta, tuburile de snokerl si mastile de scufundari, unele dintre ele acoperite deja de viata marina, ne aduc aminte de pasiunea comuna cu freediverii pentru adancime.
Ultimele 3 opriri de deco (-9m, -6m si -3m) sunt in zona intrarii (iesirii) in “The Bells”, un mic acvariu natural, cu sute de pesti colorati de toate speciile, loc tocmai bun pentru relaxare pe parcursul zecilor de minute de decompresie.
Date generale:
Temperatura apei a fost de +22degC la -145m si de +26degC la ultimul stop de -3m. Protectie termica: costum uscat Northern Diver trilaminat si subvesmant Fourthelement dry-base din doua piese. Vizibilitatea sub apa… lejer depasea 40m.
Tmpul de fund (bottom time-ul) a fost de 1 minut. Intreaga scufundare a durat 139 de minute, computerul de scufundari (de back-up) Shearwater Predator (cu GF 30/85) facand ultimele ajustari (de ordinul catorva minute in plus fatza de tabelele folosite si create de V-Planner GFS85).
Configuratia de scufundare a constat in 2x20l otel (10/60) + 4x11l – stage-uri de aluminiu cu gazele de decompresie (14/56, 20/50, 40/30 si 80%).
Fotografii de la intregul eveniment sunt postate pe pagina personala de Facebook.
Experienta acumulata, calitatea informationala si dotarea technica a TBI – la superlativ!
In anul 2013 implinesc 10 ani de cand am inceput scufundarile recreationale (2003 – PADI OW – in Barcelona) si 7 ani de cand le practic la nivel profesional (August 2006 – PADI Divemaster – in Mallorca & March 2007 – PADI OWSI – Barcelona/Aiguablava).
English version:
During two intense weeks (June 7 to 22, 2013), along with Team Blue Immersion – Dahab, I attended the Trimix Master Class diver – a technical class diving designed to overcome the depth of -120m.
The course consisted of theory and practical sessions as follows:
Intense sessions of gas theory, algorithms decompression, diving procedures, gas management, teamwork procedures, END, HPNS, ICD, planning software with diving with V-Planner, equipment preparation, etc..
A very intense training sessions in shallow water (-10 to -21m) in the configuration 2x20l (steel, doubles) + 5 x 11l aluminium stages cylinders. Equipment configuration was as recommended by DIR.
The software used to calculate the dive plans: V-Planner with GFS85.
A series of dives in the depth increased progressively: -45m,-75m,-110m,-117m, divings executed either in “The Bells” or in “The Arch – Blue Hole”.
The final diving at a depth of -145m was held (June 22, 2013) at the location known as “The Bells”, a few steps from the Blue Hole (Dahab, Egypt). Diving partners: Kathrina – a norvegian diver extremely tough and Jonas Samuelsson – the leader and creator of TBI Trimix Course Master Class. Support diver at -60m: Robert Stepien. Support surface: Salah Sobih & Mansour.
Six (6) minute lasted to descent from 0 to -145m (more exactly, 5 minutes and 10 seconds) – including the checking at -5m and the NOTOX – exchange gas at -9m. Why I mention this? Because, in my opinion, are “the most compressed” (if I can say that) 6 minutes I’ve ever had in my life! The feeling is 6 seconds and not 6 minutes. The descent is absolutely spectacular, the huge vertical wall, beginning at half meter above sea level and stops somewhere in the abyss cut your breath. From time to time, large caverns or vertical cracks gives you the feeling that you’re somewhere on another planet in space. It is a feeling that can not be expressed in words but as I said, compress and gives a different sense of time!
Somewhere between-80m and-90m, on a small slope, snokerl tubes and diving masks, some of them already covered by marine life, remember us about the common passion for depth we share with the freedivers..
Last 3 deco stops (-9m, -6m, and -3m) are in the entrance (exit) of “The Bells”, a small natural aquarium with hundreds of colorful fishes of all species, a very good place to relax over very long decompression minutes.
General info:
Water temperature was +22 degC at -145m and +26 degC at the last stop at -3m. Thermal protection: Northern Diver trilaminate dry suit and undergarment Fourthelement dry-base in two parts. Visibility under water … in exceeded of 40m.
The bottom time was 1 minute. The run time dive was 139 minutes, dive computer (back-up) Shearwater Predator (with GF 30/85) making the last adjustments (a few extra minutes compared with the tables used and created by V-Planner GFS85).
Configuration consisted in 2x20l steel (10/60) + 4x11l – aluminium stage decompression cylinders (14/56, 20/50, 40/30 and 80%).
Photos from entire event are posted on my personal Facebook page.
The experience, the quality of information and the technical equipments of TBI – in the superlative!
In 2013 I celebrate 10 years since I started recreational diving (2003 – PADI OW – in Barcelona) and 7 years since I became professional (August 2006 – PADI Divemaster – in Mallorca & March 2007 – PADI OWSI – Barcelona / Aiguablava ).

Picture 1: Eu si profilul afisat de Predator / I and the Predator’s -145m dive profile.
Picture 2: Kathrine, eu si Jonas dupa scufundare / Kathrine, I and Jonas after the dive.
Picture 3: Jonas, Rob, Kathrine si eu – inainte de scufundare la centru / before the dive at the TBI dive center.
Picture 4: the abyss.
Picture 5: cilindrii folositi pentru scufundarea la -145m / the cylinders I used for the -145m dive.