As of July 2020, DIR Rebreather training is available in Romania and World Wide (on request).
Workshops available:
Fundamentals: training designed and customized to fine tuning diver’s streaming, trim & buoyancy, environmental & team awareness and more.
This workshop normally lasts at least 3 days and is open to any certified rebreather diver.
Support diver: open to OC & CCR divers
•Train the candidate in skills to be able to provide adequate in water and surface support to (CCR) divers, who wish to dive deeper than 100 meters and/ or make cave penetrations longer than 1000 meters. The support diver can use CC or OC. •Learn the candidate standards and procedures for support divers. • Make use of the DAN Europe/DIRrebreather table.
For any diving technical training done together, you’ll get a free “Human Factors Skills in Diving – Micro-class“, compulsory to be completed before ending the theory and practical skills.
Following the 1st part (Portable Hyperbaric Chamber), the next recommendation for exploration / explorer vessels running diving or water sport activities in remote areas is Personal Locator Beacon.
As general accepted definition of “remote area” in our maritime sector, the Search & Rescue team is not available right away to assist you. It might take hours or even days in some exceptional situations.
PLB (known also as Emergency Locator Beacon) is a very small device, portable, tough, low cost, which onces activated will indicate your position to the nearby vessels by using a radio AIS (Automatic Identification System) & DSC (Digital Selective Calling) method of digital transmission of your GPS position on Earth.
Valuable equipment for yachtsmenas man overboard or you’ll find it for renting onboard reputable scuba diving liveaboard (as Aggressor Adventures), PLBs is fully worth its investment.
Nautilus Marine Rescue GPS Specifications
AIS Transmit Power
1 Watt
AIS Frequency
161.975 and 162.025 MHz
DSC Transmit Power
0.5 Watt
DSC Frequency
156.525 MHz
Individual Distress Relay, Distress Alert
Environmental Temperature Range
-25°C – +55°C
Waterproof Depth
425 feet (130 meter) sea water with dive cap closed/ Splashproof with dive cap open
253.2meters. Or 830.8feet. That’s a lot. A lot to walk on land holding your breath. I bet that most of us cannot do it easily.
Well, now imagine to translate the horizontal walk into a vertical descent into the blue… 253.2meters down.
Myself and Herbert
His name isHerbert Nitsch. His holding the title of the World’s Deepest Man on Earth with various No Limit dives: -214m in Spetses, Greece (June 14, 2007 for which is included in the Guinness World Records) & -253.2m in Santorini, Greece (June 06, 2012) using a custom made “yellow submarine” and personalized techniques for equalization. He’s holding another +31 World records in various AIDA disciplines (33WR in total!).
Herb’s yellow submarine
In the beginning of September 2019, I had the great pleasure of meeting him a couple of times in the beautiful South of France. We had dinners, long chats about almost everything “diving related”. He is a very friendly, open mind and willing to share his enormous experience in freediving.
An autobiographic book with Herbert’s freediving experience will come up sometimes soon, so stay tuned – is going to be very interesting to read and explore the history of freediving! He is now an active conservationist and speaker with worldwide activities.
Herbert’s t-shirt with dedicated signature!
Story written down with great honor & pleasure by yours, Costa
Portable Hyperbaric Chamber: if your vessel is performing remote diving operations, then this is a number one “must have” onboard, for emergency medical hyperbaric treatments, sport recovery or wellness. To be used by approved & qualified Staff!
Designed and manufactured in Europe, AHA-Hyperbaricsis holding CE certificateaccording to full quality assurance system directive 93/42/EEC on medical devices (MDD) for the new models of AHA Flex hyperbaric systems &EN ISO 13485:2016 for design and development, manufacture, distribution and service of hyperbaric chambers for hyperbaric oxygen therapy.
YachtDiver®is a dedicated department part of SC OmnisMares SRL (Romanian private registered company), owner of T101-Technical & Diving Ops® Dive Training Center. We are holding real inside experience onboard expedition-cruise ships and very large superyachts therefore we are able to provide premium training and services for your selected Guests, Owners and VVIPs!
Wreck technical diving week to explore some of the most famous shipwrecks of the Mediterranean Sea and not only. Due to depths, run times and deco obligations, only Normoxic & Hypoxic Trimix certified divers! If interested in inside wreck exploration, Advanced Wreck certification is required too!
Wrecks to visit: Submarine U-455 Super tanker Haven Steam passenger vessel Calabria Mine-layer Pelagosa Submarine hunter UJ2208 and more!
Recreational divers are welcome too but they will be part of a different diving team & planning.
Date: 02-09 of August 2020; might be slightly modified +/- but everything will be posted in advance here ( Accommodation: 3* and 4* hotels or private apartments in the area. Airport: GOA (Genoa Airport / Christopher Columbus Airport) – 10km from the dive center. Pick-up/drop off from/to airport can be arranged. Price/dive: 50 to 100euros/dive (depending on the dive site/run time).
For info & planning, please contact me at: info [ at ] info [ at ]
Each person
has a vice and smoking is one of them for some
of them.
Hardly combated, smoking is losing the war
due to massive education and laws which are restricting public activities that
are affecting the health of others.
Smoking is irrefutable bad. Bad for the person smoking, bad for the people around (second hand “smokers”) and even for the unborn ones (third hand “smokers”). Studiesare conducted all over the World, results can be found quite easily on the internet.
Based on the above statements and huge
information we have in our hands, is quite clear that diving and smoking are
not compatible. And therefore, highly not recommended.
Below are few, just few links in which
various sources are talking about the inappropriate relation between smoking
and diving:
“the diver should refrain from smoking to keep the lungs clear and keep carbon monoxide, a by-product of tobacco smoke, from reducing the oxygen-carrying capacity of hemoglobin. All drugs, alcohol and even non-prescription drugs, i.e. decongestants, antihistamines, cold capsules, etc. should be avoided for at least 12 hours prior to diving.“
In combination with dehydration, heat, physical fitness level, unfavorable medical history, age, etc, smoking may increase the chances of a DCS.
Romanian Navy Diver badge
Some studies show that the navy divers are not so heavily affected by smoking and this is mainly due to the intense physical activities part of their complex training.
In high performance sport activities, there are many studies, some of them with even controversial results:
The point of my above introduction is going
this time into another direction:
Smoking while diving activities is ethical and moral correct?
Let’s first clarify what is what.
As per Britannica, „both morality and ethics loosely have to do with distinguishing the difference between “good and bad” or “right and wrong.” Many people think of morality as something that’s personal and normative, whereas ethics is the standards of “good and bad” distinguished by a certain community or social setting.”
We, as professional, have the duty to
correctly inform our students and clients about all sides of the activity in
progress. During the training, during preparation of the equipment, during
briefing and debriefing etc. We should conduct our activities always at the
highest standard, exceeding the minimum required by the training agency. Not
because the agency is asking for (or imposing) but because we are pro and we
look for more, better and higher.
We should show at all the times that we are
professionals by the way we act, and we should lead by example. You cannot
explain in a basic Open Water Diver class the function of lungs and gas
exchange (oxygen, nitrogen and carbon dioxide to mention few), and smoking
while gearing up (or even with the wet suit on between the dives). At a
higher-level course, this is already beyond acceptance.
In his very well-documented blog, Gareth Lock is explaining the concept of „you don’t know what you don’t know” – worth reading it here: . Could be that the professional simply… don’t know?!? Maybe. But honestly… hard to believe. And even harder to accept after years of a “pro-level” career.
In order to keep our students aware of various aspects involving human factors, all technical diving courses conducted by myself are incorporating the “Human Factors Skills in Diving – Micro-class”. The online short course is highly recommended to any divers who want to understand more about what is behind the front line of human psychology.
Returning back to my debate…it is ethical and moral as a professional diver (Instructor, Divemaster), to smoke in front of your students?
If is to translate it into Britannica’s
meanings, smoking in the front of your students or customers is both bad
(ethical) and wrong (professional).
Bad because is showing lack of respect towards your clients (who might know less or why not, more than you regarding the aspects of smoking & diving) and bad because you do exactly opposite what you should do as a leader: teach the new generation of divers to be a good divers in all meanings.
Is this (smoking in the front of divers while diving activity in progress) a final criteria to analyze if an instructor/divemaster is a good professional?
Not necessarily, as there are many other
aspects makes a diver to be a real pro.
In the very end… any factor which may negatively influence the team’s safety may affect you too. Therefore, in diving is never enough to take all safety measures possible in order to ensure a successful dive: return back to family and friends, share great memories and do some other adventurous diving plans!
As of October 2018, rebreather training for the best 4×4 machine on the market –JJ-CCR – will be available in Romania, SE Europe or on board superyachts on request.
Discover Rebreather – if you would like to see what is like to dive into the “dark zone”.
Refresh Rebreather – if you have some time out of the water & machine and you would like to remove the “rust” under safe environment.
ANDI JJ-CCR L1 – the very first level recreational level, -18m depth MSW, air diluent, NSR.
ANDI JJ-CCR L2– the recreational level, -40m depth MSW, air diluent, NSR.
For hard-core divers, we offer DIRrebreatherFundamentals CCR & Support Diver OC/CCR training
For information, prerequisites and planning, please contact me via email or mobile or even better, if you a nearby, pass by for a face 2 face chat and introduction to the “beast” – the JJ-CCR unit.