Adventures & Expeditions

Ambrym Island – The Rom dance



Ambrym Isl este o insula vulcanica, parte a arhipelagului Republicii Vanuatu (Oceanul Pacificului de Sud). In 2009 am avut deosebita placere de a vizita (la bordul navei de croaziere – expeditii “Clipper Odyssey“) arhipelagul pentru prima oara (revenind apoi in anii ulteriori). “The Rom dance” este un dans traditional care impresionaza prin profunzimea si simplitatea lui. Dansul incepe prin sacrificarea unui porc de catre capetenia tribului sau de catre invitatul cel mai de seama (in cazul nostru, Capitanul navei – Peter Fielding – avand onoarea de a se lupta cu porcul mistret). De semenea, in video se vede cum localnicii poarta la gat coltii de porc mistret; cu cat este mai mare cu atat este mai apreciat in societate!

Imaginile video nu sunt in HD de aceea calitatea imaginii nu este foarte buna. Expeditia (organizata de Zegrahm Expeditions) a avut loc in data de 02 Martie 2009 iar remixarea materialelor video pe 30 Ianuarie 2014.

Ambrym Isl is a volcanic island, part of the archipelago of the Republic of Vanuatu (South Pacific Ocean). In 2009 I had the pleasure of visiting (on board the expedition-cruise ‘Clipper Odyssey‘) the archipelago for the first time (back then in subsequent years). “The Rom dance” is a traditional dance that impress me with profoundness and simplicity. The dance begins with the killing of a pig by the chief tribe or the foremost guest (in our case, the ship’s Captain – Peter Fielding – having the honor to fight with wild boar). Also in the video you can see how the locals wearing neck boar tusks, the bigger is the tusk – the the more appreciated in society!
The videos are not in HD so the picture quality is not very good. The expedition (organized by Zegrahm Expeditions) took place on March 2, 2009 and the remixing videos on January 30, 2014.

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